
QuizBall is a trivia game that mimics the game of baseball. I am not a professional programmer and mostly built the game as a hobby.


(21 May 1987)
The whole thing started in 1987 as a high school computer science project written in the Logo programming language for which I received top marks. The program file was kept on a 5¼″ floppy disk and I do not believe that any other copy of this version but mine exists.

Baseball Version 2.0

(17 October 1992)
The original code was converted into QuickBASIC and partly re-written in order to simplify it and make it shorter. The MS-DOS program file was kept on a 3½″ floppy disk and although it was distributed to a few friends and family members, I would be very surprised if anyone but me still has a copy of this version.

Baseball Version 3.0

(10 March 1994)
With Microsoft Windows becoming the environment of choice for computing, the game was converted and re-written for the new interface, it also allowed a way to change the question database used by the game. This version was distributed through a 3½″ floppy disk, complete with installation software.

QuizBall 4.0

(29 April 1996)
The copyright for QuizBall 4.0 is registered at CIPO under Registration # 482244. Under this version, the look was improved by adding better graphics and making the icons move around the diamond. It also switched to multiple choice questions. This version was released as shareware in order to recover the costs of floppy disks and mailing expenses (purchased version were shipped on two 3½″ floppy disks). It is still possible to download this version through the Wayback Machine.

QuizBall 4.01

(11 August 2002)
With most people having access to the Internet and capable of downloading files at high speed, there was no longer any costs involved in distributing the game. All shareware components were removed, making it completely free and some small tweaking allowed the program to run more efficiently. It is still possible to download this version through the Wayback Machine.

The Next QuizBall

(Future Project)
There was a time when a plan was in place for updating QuizBall to read files compliant with the TriviaFile 4.21 Specification, for making improvement to the graphics and rendering, as well as making it available to other platforms; however this project has since been abandoned. If, however, someone would be interested in taking it over, they should contact me and ask about the QuizBall Project.